Working together improves globalization

Globalization is not a zero sum game

Jack Ma gives advice to Donald Trump

Andrew Stevens of CNN asks Jack Ma, Chinese billionaire founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, what advice he would give to 2016 President-elect Donald Trump.

Video clip begins at 1:12 (1:12 – 1:41)

Quote from 1:12 – 1:41 in video.

“Focus on trade, improve globalization, and improve the relationship and understanding between China and America. We are in 21st century. Working together improves globalization. Working together improves trade. That will help both countries to create more jobs.”


“trade deals that caused the manufacturing base to go overseas”

Working together with more trade may improve globalization and create more jobs, but more opportunity and jobs in one country may mean losing an industry and jobs in another.

Katie Razzall of BBC visits Federal Mine Number 1 in the Trump heartland of West Virginia. Voting for Trump was a vote for survival and “the last fight, the last stand” for their way of life in coal country. Many feel that “our voices mean nothing” to the globalists.

Video clip begins at 3:19:

Quote from 3:19 – 3:59 in video.

Mike Caputo “International District 31 Vice President” United Mine Workers of America. Democrat, WV House of Delegates

“Let’s be honest, when someone comes in and promises you that they’re going to open factories up again, and they’re going to close trade deals that caused the manufacturing base to go overseas, and they are going to open coal mines again, and you are hurting then you are going to hang onto that ray of hope. So you know, as they say, the truths is in the pudding. We’ll find out in a couple of years whether that comes to fruition or not.”


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